In times like this, with information changing day-to-day, CCEA is making every effort to keep you in the know. CCEA leadership has been reaching out to Instructional and Support employees of Citrus County Schools this summer.
To ensure that we are representing the interests of all, we’ve been surveying and communicating updates via home email addresses and texts. This week, we attempted to survey ALL employees of the both bargaining units via our text system. If you did not receive the invite to the survey, it is likely that we do not have current contact information for you. Please update your contact information HERE.
Please take time to make sure you are not missing out on vital information and opportunities to share your feedback with CCEA’s Bargaining Team. We represent everyone when we are at the table negotiating wages, hours and working conditions. We are stronger together!
It has NEVER been more important than right now that we stand together to ensure a SAFE reopen of Citrus County Schools. Join us NOW and receive a $50 rebate through our Back-to-School New Member incentive! CLICK HERE TO JOIN.