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2025-2026 Call for Self-Nominations



OPENS ON February 6th

CLOSES ON February 20th


CLICK HERE for 2025-26 Self-nomination Form

Tentative Agreements for 2024-2025 REACHED!

Tentative Agreement Reached

INVERNESS, FL -- Sept 3, 2024

Only one week after successfully concluding the second of our two PERC unit certification elections, CCEA and CCSD wrapped up contract negotiations for the 2024-2025 school year, paving the way for ratification voting and the possibility of retro checks in the month of October for Support members!  Talks began early in 2024 with the compensation subcommittee meeting over the course of several months to knit together the fabric of a mutual proposal which would lead to a final settlement averaging just over 6% for Classified & Professional Technical Support and offering recognition of teaching experience for instructional staff for the first time since the Teacher Salary Increase Allocation (TSIA) was introduced.

Beyond salary improvements, this year's agreements secure improvement in the payout of terminal leave, define progressive discipline under just cause, and increase Board contributions to health insurance to ensure that more of the negotiated raises remain in employee's pockets. All tentative agreements are shared on the Collaborative Bargaining page and must be ratified by both the bargaining units as well as the school board in the coming days.

While both the TSIA and state mandated $15/hour minimum wage created considerable wage compression in both units, diminishing the value of experience in employee compensation, this year's agreement is an affirmation that experience does matter.

Support Unit PERC Election

The employees of the CCEA Classified & Professional Technical unit have petitioned the FL Public Employees Relations Commission (PERC) for an election in order to preserve our contract and maintain our collective bargaining rights.

On July 23rd, PERC mailed ballots to the home mailboxes of ALL support employees. Individuals who are exempt from public record will have their ballots delivered to their worksite by district staff. If you do not receive a ballot like the one pictured below by August 12th, please reach out so that we may assist you in securing a replacement ballot.

We know that the timing of this election could be challenging with all the back-to-school activities and work required of us, but the return of ballots is time-sensitive, so please be on the lookout for yours.

Remember that without CCEA, the contract which provides guaranteed protections for our working conditions (including: seniority, duty-free lunches, terminal leave pay, and supplemental pay) is unenforceable. YOUR YES for CCEA in this election protects our contract and our right to bargain improved working conditions.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. Or if you are ready to become an active member of CCEA, click JOIN NOW and complete the digital membership form.

Don't forget to show your commitment to protecting YOUR working conditions by changing your social media profile pic:

Vote YES for CCEA

Instructional Unit PERC Election

Vote YES for CCEA

The employees of the CCEA Instructional unit have petitioned the FL Public Employees Relations Commission (PERC) for an election in order to preserve our contract and maintain our collective bargaining rights.

The week of May 20th, PERC will be mailing ballots to the home mailboxes of ALL instructional employees. Individuals who are exempt from public record will have their ballots delivered to their worksite by district staff. If you do not receive a ballot like the one pictured below by May 29th, please reach out so that we may assist you in securing a replacement ballot.

We know that the timing of this election could be challenging with all the end-of-year activities and work required of us, but the return of ballots is time-sensitive, so please be on the lookout for yours in the coming week.

Remember that without CCEA, the contract which provides guaranteed protections for our working conditions (including: protected planning time, duty-free lunches, terminal leave pay, and supplemental pay) is unenforceable. YOUR YES for CCEA in this election protects our contract and our right to bargain improved working conditions.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. Or if you are ready to become an active member of CCEA, click JOIN NOW and complete the digital membership form.

Don't forget to show your commitment to protecting YOUR working conditions by changing your social media profile pic:

Vote YES for CCEA

CCEA 2024-25 Call for Leadership Self-Nominations


Calling All Potential Leaders!

CCEA is now accepting self-nominations for the following leadership opportunities in our professional association:

  • Secretary (1 year term)
  • Middle School Director (1 year term)
  • Elementary Director II (1 year term)
  • Alt Schools Director (2 year term)
  • Worksite Leaders (1 year term for all worksites)
  • Local Delegate to FEA Delegate Assembly (Oct)
  • Local Delegate to NEA Representative Assembly (July)
  • State Delegate to NEA Representative Assembly (July)

Directions for submitting nominations:

  1. (must use Edge or Chrome to utilize editable form)

  2. Return the completed form to the HCTA Elections Committee Chair via email (

If you are unable to open the form and edit it in either Edge or Chrome, please print a copy, print legibly and then scan or return a clear picture of the completed nomination form to

All nominations must be received by no later than 5:00pm on Friday, February 23rd. Please be sure to check your personal email for confirmation of receipt of your nomination.

CCEA Member Grants & Student Scholarships

CCEA 2025 Student Scholarship Applications

The Citrus County Education Association (CCEA), representing the teachers and the education support professionals (ESP) of Citrus County, is offering 4 scholarships of  $750 each.  Three of the scholarships are for one graduating senior at each of the three Citrus County high schools – Citrus High School, Crystal River High School, and Lecanto High School.  The fourth scholarship is an OTHER  School scholarship for a graduating senior of a CCEA member who does not attend one of the three Citrus County high schools –  example: A high school outside of Citrus County (parent/guardian works in Citrus and is a CCEA member but the child attends a high school outside of Citrus County). 

***AES students will be evaluated on their “home” based school – CHS, CRHS, LHS.

Application requirements:

  1. A parent or guardian must be a CCEA member.
  2. A completed application.
  3. Letters of recommendation from 2 of the student's high school teachers.
  4. A letter of recommendation from a community member, not employed by the school system.
  5.  Proof of acceptance at an institution of higher learning attached.
  6.  Guidance verification of high school cumulative GPA through the last completed term.

Please send completed application and accompanying paperwork to Linda Heinzman at Inverness Middle School.  (You may send through district mail or hand carry to IMS!)   If you want to mail via post office use the below address:


Mrs. Linda Heinzman

Inverness Middle School

1950 US HWY 41 North

Inverness,  FL  34450


All applications must be received by Friday, March 21st, 2025. 


Scholarships will be determined taking in these factors:

  • Completeness of Application
  • School Activities
  • Community Service
  • Details of written narratives
  • Letters of Recommendations
  • Financial Need (How would this money help you achieve education goals?)