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Instructional Unit PERC Election

Vote YES for CCEA

The employees of the CCEA Instructional unit have petitioned the FL Public Employees Relations Commission (PERC) for an election in order to preserve our contract and maintain our collective bargaining rights.

The week of May 20th, PERC will be mailing ballots to the home mailboxes of ALL instructional employees. Individuals who are exempt from public record will have their ballots delivered to their worksite by district staff. If you do not receive a ballot like the one pictured below by May 29th, please reach out so that we may assist you in securing a replacement ballot.

We know that the timing of this election could be challenging with all the end-of-year activities and work required of us, but the return of ballots is time-sensitive, so please be on the lookout for yours in the coming week.

Remember that without CCEA, the contract which provides guaranteed protections for our working conditions (including: protected planning time, duty-free lunches, terminal leave pay, and supplemental pay) is unenforceable. YOUR YES for CCEA in this election protects our contract and our right to bargain improved working conditions.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. Or if you are ready to become an active member of CCEA, click JOIN NOW and complete the digital membership form.

Don't forget to show your commitment to protecting YOUR working conditions by changing your social media profile pic:

Vote YES for CCEA

CCEA 2024-25 Call for Leadership Self-Nominations


Calling All Potential Leaders!

CCEA is now accepting self-nominations for the following leadership opportunities in our professional association:

  • Secretary (1 year term)
  • Middle School Director (1 year term)
  • Elementary Director II (1 year term)
  • Alt Schools Director (2 year term)
  • Worksite Leaders (1 year term for all worksites)
  • Local Delegate to FEA Delegate Assembly (Oct)
  • Local Delegate to NEA Representative Assembly (July)
  • State Delegate to NEA Representative Assembly (July)

Directions for submitting nominations:

  1. (must use Edge or Chrome to utilize editable form)

  2. Return the completed form to the HCTA Elections Committee Chair via email (

If you are unable to open the form and edit it in either Edge or Chrome, please print a copy, print legibly and then scan or return a clear picture of the completed nomination form to

All nominations must be received by no later than 5:00pm on Friday, February 23rd. Please be sure to check your personal email for confirmation of receipt of your nomination.

Inverness, FL (July 8, 2023) --The elimination of payroll dues deductions for most public sector unions in Florida went into effect on July 1st when provisions of SB 256 became law. Like so many of our union colleagues around the state, CCEA members are declaring 'I'm sticking with my union' by making the move to eDues, CCEA's preferred method of dues payment. Prior to the end of the 2022-23 school year, the majority of CCEA members had already made the switch, and throughout the summer we're organizing to bring the rest on board!

 eDues is safe and secure.  Utilizing Plaid (an industry


Collective Bargaining is Our Super Power!

CCEA is the designated collective bargaining agent for all Citrus County Instructional, Classified Support and Professional Technical employees in Citrus Schools. Together we negotiate with the District for YOUR wages, hours and working conditions. Together we are stronger!

Negotiations for the 2021-22 contract year have been extremely productive and we will be moving tentative agreements to a ratification vote in the month of November. Every instructional staff member and every classified and professional technical support employee will be able to weigh in on the proposed changes and improvements to the contract, so take a moment to review the Tentative Agreements carefully...

Click here to review this year's tentative agreements!

Your working conditions ARE student learning conditions. That's #WhyWeUnion

Click here to join CCEA and help us advocate for our students, our schools, and our profession! 

Join CCEA during our Fall Membership Campaign and you'll receive a $50 new member rebate!


Throughout CCEA's Labor History Week (8/30-9/5), we posted a daily trivia question. Each correct answer was an entry into our Labor Day Prize Giveaway raffle. Prize winners are: Donald Whitaker, Brian Sullivan, and Jennifer Clark!  E-gift cards are on their way!!!


CCEA's Labor History Trivia Challenge ANSWERS:

August 30th

National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)

August 31st

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)

September 1st

Francis Perkins

September 2nd

A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated with low confidence


September 3rd


September 4th

A picture containing text, outdoor, sign, blueDescription automatically generated

Mother Jones, Mary Harris Jones

September 5th

A picture containing text, outdoor, sign, blackboardDescription automatically generated

Collectively bargain


Bonus Questions Not Yet Answered

As you know, the state budget that was recently passed includes an allocation of around $215 million, to provide full-time classroom teachers and principals with a $1,000 bonus, using funds from the American Relief Plan.

More recently, as details regarding the distribution of bonuses began to emerge, larger questions loom regarding whether the bonuses - now identified as 'relief payments' - will be paid.

For too many of our colleagues, a ‘thanks for a job well-done’ bonus after the stress and uncertainty of working through the pandemic may not materialize at all. As was true with Best and Brightest bonuses, the non-classroom teachers (school counselors, psychologists, media specialists, etc.) and our essential support staff will not qualify for these bonuses from the state.

CCEA brought the topic of bonuses to the bargaining table in April hoping to secure an early commitment from the District to provide matching bonuses for instructional and support personnel left out of the state bonus. We know that every employee working in Citrus schools through the past year helped to ensure our students were safe and that learning continued. It is our position that as federal COVID relief funds make their way into the District, nonrecurring dollars will be available to cover the cost of one-time bonuses. We await a response from the District.

Beyond knowing who will be receiving bonuses and when, we know that you have questions about these bonuses. It remains unclear whether bonuses will be paid to individuals who retired or separated from employment during or after the 2020-21 school year. It is also not yet known whether bonus checks will be issued directly from the state, or if the District will be tasked with distribution of funds. What we know is true of bonuses (generally speaking):

  • Bonuses are taxable at a higher rate than regular income.
  • The recipient will be responsible for taxes on the bonus.
  • Bonuses do NOT count toward retirement under FRS. 

We encourage you to follow the progress of negotiations online and look for additional updates from CCEA in the weeks ahead.


CCEA and District bargaining sessions are livestreamed through the Citrus Schools’ YouTube channel and recordings of all prior sessions are accessible for review.

FEA has added a list of FAQs on their website. The page will be updated as more information is made available.


Education staff professionals –identified as Classified and Professional Technical Support in Citrus County-- are valued and critical members of every public school community.

They meet the needs of the whole student, promoting quality education and fostering positive learning environments.

Education staff professionals ensure students achieve at their highest levels. They keep students emotionally and physically healthy and safe. They engage students and keep them connected to the larger school community. They provide instruction and academic supports, challenging and motivating students by


Bonus Questions Not Yet Answered

As you know, the state budget that was recently passed includes an allocation of around $215 million, to provide full-time classroom teachers and principals with a $1,000 bonus, using funds from the American Relief Plan.

More recently, as details regarding the distribution of bonuses began to emerge, larger questions loom regarding whether the bonuses - now identified as 'relief payments' - will be paid.

For too many of our colleagues, a ‘thanks for a job well-done’ bonus after the stress and uncertainty of working through the pandemic may not materialize at all. As was true with Best and Brightest bonuses, the non-classroom teachers (school counselors, psychologists, media specialists, etc.) and our essential support staff will not qualify for these bonuses from the state.

CCEA brought the topic of bonuses to the bargaining table in April hoping to secure an early commitment from the District to provide matching bonuses for instructional and support personnel left out of the state bonus. We know that every employee working in Citrus schools through the past year helped to ensure our students were safe and that learning continued. It is our position that as federal COVID relief funds make their way into the District, nonrecurring dollars will be available to cover the cost of one-time bonuses. We await a response from the District.

Beyond knowing who will be receiving bonuses and when, we know that you have questions about these bonuses. It remains unclear whether bonuses will be paid to individuals who retired or separated from employment during or after the 2020-21 school year. It is also not yet known whether bonus checks will be issued directly from the state, or if the District will be tasked with distribution of funds. What we know is true of bonuses (generally speaking):

  • Bonuses are taxable at a higher rate than regular income.
  • The recipient will be responsible for taxes on the bonus.
  • Bonuses do NOT count toward retirement under FRS. 

We encourage you to follow the progress of negotiations online and look for additional updates from CCEA in the weeks ahead.


CCEA and District bargaining sessions are livestreamed through the Citrus Schools’ YouTube channel and recordings of all prior sessions are accessible for review.

FEA has added a list of FAQs on their website. The page will be updated as more information is made available.

Following several weeks of ongoing bargaining discussion, CCEA and CCSD have reached a tentative agreement on the 2020-21 Economic package. The settlement utilizes the state’s Teacher Salary Allocation funds ($2.4million) along with additional Board funds to achieve a $46,000 minimum salary for all instructional staff, while ensuring that every instructional employee receives AT LEAST a $1,500 improvement. CCEA Support will receive .46/hour in addition to the annual step increase which has already been applied. All improvements will be retroactive to July 1st.

The volunteer members of CCEA’s


2020-21 Bargaining Review


Working Conditions MOU 9/17/2020

Establishes the expectations for safe and sanitary working conditions as schools reopen  

Additional Financial Considerations MOU 9/17/2020

Waives pay for performance for 2020; offers $1.50/hr supplement for Support providing instructional coverage; establishes criteria for athletic supplements in case of shortened season

2021 Health Insurance Board Match 10/14/2020

Board to contribute an additional $10/month to cover all premium increases

2020-21 Economic Settlement  10/29/2020

Through a combination of categorical funds from the state (Teacher Salary Increase Allocation) and additional Board funds, instructional salaries will be improved to ensure a $46,000 minimum salary with all instructional staff guaranteed to receive at least a $1500 increase; CCEA Support will receive 46cents/hr on their regular hourly rate in addition to the step already received; all raises will be retroactive to July 1, 2020.


Citrus Virtual Program MOU

Establishing placement in CVP positions; creating pay for additional period of instruction; outlining expectations for communication and grading turn around; limiting the number of course preps/teacher; establishing who evaluates CVP teachers


This year’s economic discussion has centered heavily on the TSA. The funds provided by the state are limited and must be expended in accordance with statute to improve minimum pay for full-time classroom teachers. Additional dollars kicked in by the Board can be bargained much more flexibly. In early September, CCEA and District team leaders met to discuss financials informally and to review statutory requirements, as well as to identify concerns associated with the mandates: salary compression, achieving competitive starting salary level, and ensuring raises are distributed as equitably as possible.

Get the Background on the Teacher Salary Allocation (TSA)

Proposal History


  • CCEA opens TSA discussion suggesting a ‘banded’ approach to distribution of the funds to minimize compression created in raising minimum salaries; the District’s position is that ‘banding’ is not allowable by statute
  • District’s opening proposal brought ONLY TSA funds to the table; would create a $43,455 minimum salary and a 1.1% increase for all others
  • CCEA requested additional district dollars ($1.5million) to ensure a minimum $1650 adjustment for all instructional


  • District’s first counter placed additional district dollars ($2.4million) to further increase the minimum salary to $46,000 and providing a $1375 guarantee for all instructional


  • CCEA countered with a redistribution of the district’s dollars ($2.4million) to achieve a minimum salary of $44,850 while providing a guaranteed improvement ranging from $1395 to $1895, based on years of service
  • District’s second counter further increased additional district dollars ($2.47million) to provide a $46,000 minimum salary with a guarantee of $1500 for all instructional
  • CCEA’s follow up request met the Board’s request for a $46,000 minimum while pushing for an $1800 guarantee


  • District did not return to the table with a response


  • District responded to CCEA’s proposal with $46,000 minimum and $1500 guarantee, plus $10 increase in Board insurance match to cover premium increases
  • CCEA opened Support economics with a proposal to increase all Support Staff (Classified & Professional Technical) base hourly rates by $1 –a total cost of $921,131


  • District responded with no further improvements; revised proposal establishes $46,000 minimum for instructional, provides $875 for all other instructional, and places $850,000 into a single pot to divided between the instructional and support units


  • CCEA countered with a request for an added $82,000 to ensure Support would reach 50cents/hr; seeks to add language that would clarify improvments to be retroactive and further commitment to collaboratively revise the instructional placement schedule to ensure new hires with experience would not surpass current employees with equal years of  experience
  • District agreed to take the propsal to the Board for review


  • Board counter held firm at $850,000 to be divided between units, but added language on retroactive increases and placement schedule adjustment
  • CCEA and CCSD reach final economic settlement