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FEA: Tell us more about educator pay and education funding
TALLAHASSEE — The Florida Education Association (FEA) was encouraged to hear Gov. Ron DeSantis make clear that teacher pay matters to his administration on Monday. The governor’s announcement in Clay County was a starting point in addressing the needs of our students.
“We thank the governor for opening a dialogue on salaries and for acknowledging that our teachers are woefully underpaid,” said FEA President Fedrick Ingram. “Raising minimum starting pay is a beginning.
We still hope to hear about what Gov. DeSantis plans to do to retain

October 7, 2019 - Governor Desantis Pitches Increase to Teacher Pay -  From a schedule press conference in Jacksonville, the Governor released a plan to raise the minimum teacher salary in the state of Florida to $47,500 – impacting a little more than half of all of teachers in the state. Paired with the introduction of legislation by Sen. Rob Bradley to repeal the flawed Best and Brightest bonus scheme, the governor's announcement could be seen as evidence that the voices of FEA members and public education advocates are actually being heard.

While the plan is incomplete, that there is a


September 18, 2019 - FEA's second article in their series exposing how Florida policies are undermining student success focuses on the scam that is VAM. Since its introduction into teacher evaluation processes, educators across the nation have protested the use of this flawed measure to identify ineffective teachers and brand schools as 'failing'. Recently, the Florida Legislature paved the way for school districts to move teacher evaluation models away from their reliance on VAM as the measure of student performance, but unfortunately it remains an instrument of disruption for the state. 



August 26, 2019

Over the next few months this multi-part series will take a deep dive into the ways that Florida’s education policies have led to a full-scale crisis in the teaching profession.

Every student in Florida deserves to be in a classroom with a certified, highly-qualified, and dedicated teacher. Students deserve schools with full-time media specialists and schools that are staffed with more counselors and nurses than security guards. Florida’s students deserve the very best. Currently, Florida’s politicians are failing Florida’s future.  

Over the past two decades the Legislature and


Red for Ed Wednesdays Return

(August 1, 2023) INVERNESS, FL -- Citrus County Education Association is calling for all public education advocates to recommit to the Wear Red for Ed campaign through the 2023-2024 school year. Red for Ed is both a statewide and national effort to draw much needed attention to the funding crisis which is impacting classrooms across the country. Wearing red on Wednesdays throughout the year is a show of solidarity and a visible reminder of the ongoing struggle to appropriately fund public education.

In designating Wednesdays as our Wear Red for Ed day each week

(August 23, 2019)
FEA calls for $22 billion, multi-year investment in schools
TALLAHASSEE — After 20 years of neglect and bad policy, the Florida Education Association (FEA) is
calling for a "Decade of Progress" for Florida’s public schools. This means a multi-year commitment of
$22 billion for our public school students.
“We are in an education crisis in this state,” said FEA President Fedrick Ingram. “Our children are
paying the price for more than two decades of underfunding and poor policy decisions. We have a
severe teacher shortage, and about 300,000 students started school this year without